Christmas gifts for orphans project

Dear friends,

Hope you are enjoying this winter and anticipating upcoming holidays. What a joy that our Savior loved us so much that came to this world so we could become His friends. What a joy!

Here in Siberia we learn to be thankful for -5F as well as for -30F. This winter we had so much snow, so sometimes when I walk and see a snow hill I wonder what is underneath, a car or a small fence!?:.

Anyway we anticipate Christmas holidays as well. You probably know in Russia we have 2 Christmases. One on the 25th of December (unofficial) and an official Christmas is on the 7th of January. It has to do with different calendars by different churches. According to Orthodox Church calendar it’s on the 7th of January! However we like it!

You probably know there are thousands of orphans and homeless children in Russia and in our Krasnoyarsk region. Our church has decided to give every orphan a Christmas present. Our pastor has asked people to buy colorful boxes and fill it with presents (like shampoo, toothpaste, gloves, chocolates and etc.). Those who could buy a present, took a box or several, but there are still many empty boxes ( as there are many orphans). We as a family also want to be involved in this project as well. Right now our goal is to give a Christmas box to every kid in the orphanage we visit (there are many orphanages where we don’t work, as there are not enough people).

Although we are $500 short of our monthly personal support we want to be a blessing to others. So we made a decision to give 60% of support we will get from you to buy and fill more Christmas boxes, as well to help those who visit orphanages with Bible lessons. We decided to give part of your donations not only in December but also in January. So any amount the Lord puts on your heart to give to us in December and January , 60% of that amount we will donate for Christmas gifts, clothes, towels, soaps,toothpastes, shampoo and etc. for those little ones, as well as help Christians who visit orphanages to cover some of their costs (as some children’s homes quite far from Krasnoyarsk).

We will update you on the progress of how much we’ve collected as well as give a report how money were spent and post some photos on our blog:

If God has blessed you with something, don’t hesitate to be a blessing to others!

May God bless you!

Love in Christ, Vitali Ogorodnikov ( a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia)

P.S. Here’s how you can give:

1) By Card: You can give you donations (online) using CCC’s Electronic giving page (CCC will send a tax-deductible receipt to you)

2) By Check: Made payable to: Campus Crusade for Christ sent to: 100 Lake Hart Dr.Dept. 2400 Orlando, FL 32832-0100 Please include a note on a separate page saying: a) this donation is for Ogorodnikov Vitaly and Julia, account number: 2737626 b) name and address that CCC should send the receipt to.

3) by Western Union (our address is: 660036, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok 13-35)

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